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  • Writer's pictureHomestead Cemetery

October Board Meeting Minutes, October 28, 2021

President: Rusty Firestone, PRESENT

Vice-President: Thomas Barefoot, PRESENT

Secretary: Kyra Mangold-Ostovich, PRESENT

Treasurer: Michael Perovich, PRESENT

Grounds Superintendent: Corey Potts, NOT PRESENT

Board Member: David Hruska, PRESENT

Board Member: Tom Imhoff, PRESENT

Board Member: Rick Brennan, NOT PRESENT

Board Member: Kevin Ondo, NOT PRESENT

Board Member: Vince Rodgers, NOT PRESENT

Board Member: Ellis Michaels, PRESENT

Volunteers present: Christine Schott and Brandon Potts

Old Business

1. Monument Jack and Walk-Behind trimmer have been purchased

2. Sales tax exemption/property transfer

a. No updates at this time

3. No Hunting/Trespassing signs

a. David Hruska has purchased signs to install

4. Eagle Scout Project Update

a. Scout is experiencing multiple delays in getting approval; we will check-in with him in January.

5. Creation of Sexton position

a. This position will be a liaison between families, funeral homes, and those interested in purchasing future property. The creation of this position is only being considered at this time, and will be voted on in a future meeting; there are no payroll attachments to this position at this time. A person to fill the position will be discussed following the vote to create the position.

New Business

1. Hiring of two student workers

a. Two workers have been hired to continue help with the grounds for a total of 10 hours each per week. Due to persistent rain, they've been unable to meet their weekly times at no fault of their own. They will resume once the weather breaks.

2. Six replacement headstones have been received for the Soldiers Circle

a. Due to weather, installation days have been cancelled twice. The newest tentative installation date is set for Saturday, November 13, 2021.

3. Sale of Cemetery Lots

a. Mapping

i. Rusty Firestone has drawn a working diagram for a potential new section.

b. Review of Deed and Rules/Regulations of Sale

i. Basic "boiler plate" templates have been adjusted to fit the needs of the Homestead Cemetery and have been given to Board members for review. A vote will be held in November to accept or make adjustments to these documents.

4. Thank you letter

a. A letter is being generated to sum up all of the progress that's been made this year. This will be published at end of year.

5. Winterizing the caretakers house

a. As colder weather approaches, we will do our best to winterize the home as the furnace is currently nonfunctional. Rick Brennan has offered to inspect the gas lines in hopes that this will help to winterize the home.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM

Next meeting: Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 6:30 PM

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