Rules will be strictly enforced
Gates are open from sunrise to sunset, weather permitting.
All road signs are to be followed at all times except during funerals.
Speed limit within cemetery is 10 MPH.
Dogs must be on a leash and all animal waste must be immediately cleaned up and properly disposed of.
While visiting, please leave room on road for others to pass.
All persons are prohibited from writing upon, defacing or injuring any monument, fence, or other structure, in or belonging to the cemetery. Those in violation of this rule will be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law.
Children under 18 years of age will not be permitted in cemetery without parent or guardian.
Littering is punishable by law and will be enforced.
No artificial decorations are permitted from 1st of April through the 1st of October; they will be removed.
Fresh floral decorations will be removed when they become unsightly.
No glass, ceramic, terracotta, etc., containers or vases are permitted for floral decorations.
Decorations cannot be more than 6 inches in front of monument. Unless placed by the Board members for a specific reason, nothing is permitted behind or on the sides of any monument.
Absolutely no dumping on cemetery property. Those in violation of this rule will be prosecuted under the fullest extend of the law.