President: Rusty Firestone, PRESENT
Vice-President: Thomas Barefoot, PRESENT
Secretary: Kyra Mangold-Ostovich, PRESENT
Treasurer: Michael Perovich, PRESENT
Grounds Superintendent: Corey Potts, PRESENT
Board Member: David Hruska, PRESENT
Board Member: Tom Imhoff, NOT PRESENT
Board Member: Rick Brennan, PRESENT
Board Member: Kevin Ondo, NOT PRESENT
Board Member: Vince Rodgers, PRESENT
Board Member: Ellis Michaels, PRESENT
Board Member; JaQuay Carter, PRESENT
Volunteers present: Linda Baird, Ben Lighthall, and Christine Schott
Old Business
Restoration of gas services to the residence
Rick Brennan will be restoring gas services within the month of August.
New cemetery section progress
Currently at standstill; 2 triaxles of dirt is needed to grade the hillside, costing roughly $800 total.
New timeline set for this Fall
Tax exemption status
Currently at standstill; further records have been requested for approval.
Soldier Circle update
27 of 43 markers have been replaced, with 4 more applications being readied for submission.
48 State Tour! Workshop
The workshop was a great success with several attendees from surrounding counties and States. 5 markers within Old Section G were cleaned, reset, or repaired under the tutelage of Jonathan Appell of Atlas Preservation.
Scout Project update
The concrete floor within the monument will be poured in two parts by Russ Crookham for $900 total.
Meetings with State Leaders
We have been unable to secure in-person meetings.
New Business
Board elections
Votes were recorded at the end of the meeting and are as follows:
President: Rusty Firestone
Vice President: Thomas Barefoot
Treasurer: Michael Perovich
Secretary: Kyra Mangold
University of Pittsburgh Graduate Partnership
Christine Schott, the volunteer who has been transcribing the ledgers and photographing/cataloging headstones, is working on potentially collaborating projects with Pitt graduate students in the Masters of Library Science program. Their goal is to develop skills in creating and organizing a sharable database for large caches of information. The program will hopefully present the projects to the students for acceptance.
Soldiers Circle
2 large signs will be installed by the Circle in dedication of those veterans buried there.
New Cemetery Section
Advertisement signs be discussed at a later date once progress is made within the section.
Work on lower road
Excess pavement from recent local roadwork was donated to the Cemetery, and the rear road has been upgraded.
Demolition of residence for Chapel
The main floor of the residence has been gutted by the students.
Electrical work is being donated by Tom Imhoff.
Potential donor letter
A draft has been started to raise funds for the Chapel project to raise funds
Soldier Circle rededication
Rededication service to be scheduled for Spring of 2023 to showcase the work that's been completed.
Student Workers final day
The students will complete their work on Friday, August 12. We wish to thank them for their hard work!
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM
Next meeting: Wednesday, August 31, 6:30 PM