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Writer's pictureHomestead Cemetery

February Board Meeting Minutes: 28 Feb 2024


  1. President, Rusty Firestone: PRESENT

  2. Vice-President, Thomas Barefoot: PRESENT

  3. Treasurer, Michael Perovich: PRESENT

  4. Secretary, Kyra Mangold: PRESENT

  5. Melany Alliston: NOT PRESENT

  6. Rick Brennan: NOT PRESENT

  7. David Hruska: PRESENT

  8. Tom Imhoff: PRESENT

  9. Roberta Kacinko: PRESENT

  10. Ellis Michaels: NOT PRESENT

  11. Corey Potts: PRESENT

  12. Vince Rodgers: PRESENT

Old Business

  1. Fundraising

    1. Yearly

      1. $1,000.00 has been raised this year, so far.

      2. $1,000.00 was earmarked specifically for the Chapel Conversion Project.

      3. $0 was used for daily maintenance.

    2. Monthly

      1. $0 were received in the month of February.

  2. Student Worker Program

    1. Spring program to begin 12 Apr 2024 and end 09 Jun 2024

  3. Monument Repair Report

    1. Ellis and Vince installed the Wise Cole stone

  4. Records Organization

    1. Christine has made progress with several volunteers in sorting, recording, alphabetizing, and purging unnecessary documents.

  5. Renovation Update

    1. Members of the International Brotherhood of Carpenters are graciously volunteering their services to help further constrution within the chapel on Saturday, 02 Mar 2024, starting at 7 AM. We wish to extend thanks to Mr. J. Kevin Ondo and his son, Mr. John Ondo for their help in coordinating!

New Business

  1. Updated Cemetery By-Laws

    1. All language has been finalized and will be posted ASAP on website and social media.

  2. Discussion and vote on "Friends of the Cemetery" seed monies

    1. $1,000 will be given to the Friends group as seed monies to begin their incorporation.

    2. Unanimous argreement by all Board members present to seed $1,000 once the 501(c)(3) status has been granted and a Friends bank account has been opened.

  3. Pitt GIS Project

    1. Students are making great progress with their mapping of the Singles Section along 22nd Avenue.

  4. Wreaths Across America

    1. Rusty attended an informational Zoom meeting with WAA to help finalize plans for the 2024 Holiday Season.

  5. February burials

    1. 1 casketed burial completed.

  6. Financials

    1. Checking: $19, 509.37

    2. Money Market: $10,222.70 ($222.70 interest gained from $10,000 investment) - 4.5 % rate will remain in place unil October of 2024

    3. CD (30 month): $10,419.89 ($419.89 interest gained from $10,000 investment)

    4. Perpetual Care: $17,218.48

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM

Next meeting: Wednesday, 27 March 2024, 6:30 PM

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